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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

MLC Groups in Korea

Bro. Dennis Schmitz sent a report to the Province about Fr. Timothy Kim's work with Marianist Lay Communities in Korea. The report titled "MARIANIST LAY COMMUNITIES, HISTORY & NEWS" was published in the December 15,1993 issue of PAC. The following summary of the report is found below:

Adult Lay Groups

The recent development of the lay groups of Marianists in Korea began when Brother Timothy Kim struck up a conversation on the bus with Veronica Kwan, a woman who rode the same bus everyday after Mass at Seokyo Dong Parish. Brother Timothy talked with her about Marianist Lay Communities and through her the idea was shared with other women. These women studied Marianist spirituality for a year as aspirants. All of the Brothers in the Seoul Community took an active role in their formation. They took the name "Bordeaux Community" and made their Consecration on March 18, 1990.

Soon another a group of five couples from the local parish expressed an interest and they too made a year of initial formation. They made their Consecration on October 14, 1990, took the name "Saragossa Community."

Meanwhile, in Inchon the Marianist Sisters had a Bible Study Group, they eventually decided that they too wanted to be lay Marianists took the name "Our Lady of the Pillar."

The groups in Seoul and Inchon continue to develop with yearly Consecration ceremonies; November in Inchon, and February in Seoul. At the present time (1993) there are 7 Marianist Lay Communities in Seoul ("Bordeaux", "Saragossa", "Adele", "Madeleine", "Lamourous", "Stabat Mater" and "Our Lady of Light") with a total membership of approximately 58.

In Inchon, the Marianist Sisters work with a wide variety of groups with a total membership of about 85. Also in Inchon, our Brothers at the Chaminade Retreat House are working with 3 groups ("Mussidan", "Minet" and "Fathers Group").

Marianist Lay Communities

In the past we used to refer to these groups as the "Family of Mary." The term "Marianist Lay Communities" is now used in accord with the first international meeting of lay Marianists in Santiago, Chile, last February. We now use the acronym MLC for these groups.

In-order to-maintain their identity as Marianists and yet distinguish them from the religious in the Family of Mary, a new badge has been, designed for them which incorporates the Marianist Cross in a distinctive style. They and they receive this badge when they begin their aspirancy.

They also receive the MLC Rule of Life at this time as well in order to learn more about the community they are entering. The Rule of Life, which is based on one followed by the MLC in France, has been adapted for Korea and was recently approved by the MLC Board. At the time of their Consecration the Marianist Laity receive a Marianist Cross to wear around their neck.

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